Call Centre

Call Centre

Our Call Centre is well-equipped to obtain the voice of your customers

Welcome to MDRi Call Centre, where we combine state-of-the-art facilities with exceptional services. Our primary goal is to provide you with accurate and high-quality data that will revolutionize your customer engagement strategies.

At our newly renovated call centre, we pride ourselves on utilizing cutting-edge technology and employing a team of experienced interviewers. With our diverse language capabilities, we can seamlessly serve a wide range of customer segments.

Why MDRi

Collect accurate, high-quality data and valuable insights.

  • Experienced interviewers

    Our telephone interviewers have over 15 years of experience in interviewing customers from all segments, especially affluent customers in Hong Kong and China (with a minimum net worth of HKD 1M). They possess a deep understanding of effective interviewing techniques, enabling them to engage in conversations with a nuanced and professional approach, ensuring accurate data collection and valuable insights.

  • Stringent quality control

    We continuously monitor our interviewers’ performance to maximize the number of dials per hour, ensuring swift information gathering without compromising data quality. We also closely monitor script adherence to minimize potential bias during the data collection process. All voice recordings can be retrieved for quality checks and complaint handling, if necessary.

  • Efficient phone connectivity

    All our phone lines start with a neutral number of ‘2301,’ providing customers with visibility of the number. Our number list ensures a higher success rate of phone calls and avoids potential blockage. Our capacity of spare numbers enables us to have more opportunities to successfully call customers who are difficult to approach.

  • Flexible resource allocation

    We offer high flexibility in not only the number of interviewers but also the calling hours. While the majority of calls end at 8 pm, we can extend the calling time to reach different segments of customers who are more receptive to being interviewed either earlier or later in the day, thereby enhancing project efficiency for our clients.

Exceptional skills in interviewing affluent customers

Courteous attitude
We consistently engage with customers in a courteous and respectful manner, maintaining a courteous tone throughout our conversations. Our interviewers are specifically trained to patiently listen to and engage efficiently with affluent customers.

Considerate mindset
We are considerate when interviewing different segments of customers. For instance, interviewers ensure that respondents understand the questions being asked. We are able to clarify any questions and speak with clarity to ensure that customers understand the questions.

Flexible interviews
We offer flexible interview arrangements to accommodate the busy schedules of our affluent customers, ensuring better alignment with their time constraints. Interviews can be conducted based on our customers’ preferences and convenience.

Empathetic approach
We approach our customers with empathy. Our interviewers are extensively trained to listen patiently and diligently to all points raised. If we are interviewing an unhappy customer, we allow them to express their dissatisfaction or complaints before continuing the survey. All complaints will be promptly passed on to clients for their attention and resolution.

Superior support services

Professional Team Support

Our Operations Manager and supervisors have over 10 years of experience. We possess the confidence and expertise to effectively handle challenging customer queries, including inquiries about our purpose, identity, and complaint handling process.

Recognizing our clients’ concerns regarding customer complaints, we prioritize transparency and accountability. All complaints will be reported to the client within 2 hours by email or phone during weekdays. We are committed to sharing voice recordings and comprehensive information with our clients within 1 working day.

Our IT support team is available round the clock, providing assistance at any time. Even outside office hours, we are able to remotely resolve any issues that may arise.

Advanced Security Measures

MDRi Call Center is set up based on the ISO 27001 standard. All customer information is securely stored in our server, which is located in Hong Kong. Personal data will not be transferred to foreign countries or any third party.

To protect customer privacy, all interviewers are required to sign non-disclosure agreements. Cellphone usage is not allowed in the call center to prevent any leakage of customer information.

Reliable system and processes to deliver exceptional and consistent service.

Our recording system is equipped with real-time backup capabilities, ensuring zero downtime and uninterrupted service. Additionally, real-time monitoring features are in place to guarantee optimal quality at all times.

Contact us

We look forward to helping you unlock the power of data-driven decision-making for your business.